The Piper Tripwire System
A very sophisticated method of knife usage
A truely authentic form of African Martial Art
What is Piper?
Piper analyses African criminal methods of ambush, combat and violent crime to counter them.
Piper is derived from and simulates violent African criminals.
Lloyd De Jongh's aim is to separate the content from the culture, to make the knowledge available to good people without the highly toxic, socially destructive cultural baggage that surrounds it.

I highly recommend studying the Piper System of blade craft.
This is a unique method that is highly practical and fascinating to study.
I had the pleasure of spending time with Lloyd De Jongh and I can tell you he is a fantastic instructor and a great person. And the system is amazing!
Do yourself a favor and learn this art. I practice it often.
The Piper System will give you great insight into high-level knife work.
by Burton RichardsonThe Piper Tripwire System In Context
47 minutes of teaching content!
Mobility Training
1 hour and 7 minutes of teaching content!
For Sports, Fitness, Combat, And Everyone
Learn why it is so important to develop mobility, not flexibility, and how vital it is in preventing injury
Did you know half of our ability to stretch resides in our joints?
The exercises and stretches shown in this series will allow your body to move without pain.
This is a collection you're going to want to add to your library; no matter your background.
If you want to take your training to the next level in sports, CrossFit, Martial Arts, or even gain more mobility in your joins and move with less pain no matter your age - this is for you!
Follow Along Mobility
17 Minutes Long
Follow Along Mobility is a daily regimented routine that you can follow along with.
This video is 17 minutes long with no instruction; the only sound, is that of tranquil or calming tones to help you relax while you follow along.
***This is a sequel or an addition to the Mobility video we've previously released. We highly recommend the previous video "Mobility Training" which is an instructional video on mobility with explanations on how to properly perform each of these motions.
The exercises and stretches shown in this series will allow your body to move without pain.
This is a collection you're going to want to add to your library; no matter your background.
If you want to take your training to the next level in sports, CrossFit, Martial Arts, or even gain more mobility in your joins and move with less pain no matter your age - this is for you!
Empty Hand Method Of The Piper System
1 hour of teaching content!
Learn tried and tested methods of empty hand methods used by the criminal element in Cape Flats South Africa. These movements come from classical N'guni martial art systems, they have evolved due to the Darwinian effect of if it didn't work it would have been killed off.
A need to have collection for the African martial artist or anyone interested in developing skills in proven street self-defense skills!
Stick Method Of The Piper System
56 minutes of teaching content!
Though coming from classical N'guni stick fighting, this could be better described as street stick, because the stick can be replaced with just about any object; shovel handle, baseball bat, or just about anything else.
A need to have collection for the African martial artist or anyone interested in developing skills in proven street self-defense skills!
Knife Method Of The Piper System
Over 1 hour and 45 minutes of teaching content!
First developed within the prison system of South Africa, these proven knife skills then metastasized onto the streets where gang members who could not easily get a gun, resorted to the use of a pocket knife.
A definite need to have - some of the most effective knife skills are presented in this video!
A must for soldiers, special operators, and law enforcement.
Reduced Prices: $107.99 59.99
Tripwire Concepts
Over 1 hour and 30 minutes of teaching content!
Euphemistically Called "The Piper Killer"
The Tripwire System is Created And Designed By Lloyd De Jongh To Weaponize The Individuals Natural Reflexes And Responses To increase Response Time And Reaction Time!
Reduced Prices:
$103.99 Now $49.99
Piper Seminar-2018
Glimpse into The Piper System. A Minnesota Seminar taught by John Bednarski. Video Length:
29 Minutes
The seminar with John Bednarski hosted by Lightning Strike Combat was a great chance to learn about another culture and its street fighting traditions. John was a great teacher with interesting stories, deep practical experience, and immense classroom presence.
by Steve A.John is an interesting guy and really knows his stuff. He showed us the core of the Piper Tripwire system but the movements can be very deceptive so there is a bit of a learning curve. John focuses less on fixed drills and instead tries to teach concepts for people to internalize and incorporate in their own ways. I understand the logic but would have preferred a slightly more structured approach, although given the nature of the system I’m not entirely sure this would be possible without the movements becoming predictable. Overall the seminar was a good experience and I left with new ideas and identified a few areas I’d benefit from working on.
by Alex I.
I have been training in the Piper system for many years now, under Lloyd De Jongh and I can say it is truly African; more precisely, South African in structure and movement.
— John BednarskiOfficially Licensed Piper And Tripwire Systems Apparel