Training With A True Sifu

An Unknown System Of Wing Chun
John Bednarski
Martial Artist and Owner of School Of Arms Media
If you are reading this blog, you probably already have some understanding of martial arts or Wing Chun Kung Fu, or perhaps some knowledge of Wing Chun Kung Fu history. As for me, I have been training and teaching martial arts for over thirty years; In this time period, I have had interactions with many martial artists, whom practiced a wide variety of styles. Some of these systems have included practitioners of Wing Chun Kung-Fu and its off shoots.
For the most part, these interactions left me with a somewhat skewed, and lackluster opinion about Wing Chun Kung-Fu; that is until I met Sifu Ing. I am not going to go into detail, as to how I met Sifu Ing, but it was fortunate for me, that we did. Shortly after our initial introduction, Sifu Ing invited me to train in his family system of Wing Chun.

Now in all humbleness, at this time, I was a bit skeptical, and assumed our training would follow a similar progression, as I had encountered in the past. To be frank, when we started training I was utterly surprised. Most of my encounters with previous Wing Chun practitioners, they had relied on strong forward pressure, however, when training with Sifu Ing, pressure came and went as needed, there was no over-reliance on timing or speed tricks. When I tried to escape, he easily followed, and when it came to it, I felt as though I was stuck in a washing machine that didn't like me.
When Sifu Ing struck, it felt as though I was being hit by the aforementioned washing machine. Normally, I would not use a buzzword, but here I am forced to, as it is the only one I can think of to describe what happened. When it comes down to it, Sifu Ing's family system, has the aliveness we strive for in martial art training. Nothing was forced, overpowered, or dependent on an artificial, prescribed formula; it was all question and answer, and very organic or natural. Not only can Sifu Ing apply and do, but he can also explain and teach his family system of Wing Chun in a way that others are able to understand and excel at.
To this day I still train with Sifu Ing, and I believe his system of Wing Chun can greatly add to, and or expand, one’s own martial arts skill sets, as it has mine.

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