The Chaos Momentum - An Encounter With Lloyd De Jongh

To learn more about Lloyd De Jongh And The Piper Tripwire System, Click below:
"On a sunny afternoon mostly everything I believed to be the foundation of my martial art, collapsed. On a seminar about Knife Fighting I met the astonishing Lloyd De Jongh teaching some basics about the Piper System.
After some jaw dropping first moves to point out the effectiveness of this style, Lloyd teaches eloquently about the cultural differences between western and African people start by the way they walk.
Demonstrating a walk over the toes with a great ability of stopping without stumbling and a great move ability when it comes to changing directions he delivers an alternative to everything I’ve learnt and in fact it worked out well, when I gave this walk a chance.
Following Lloyd took us into an imaginary journey into the wrong corners of Cape Town, explaining that most of the techniques where not taught from elders to youngsters in any form of schooling or training, but develops in the backyards of Cape Town in the tryouts between kids and teens.
Lloyd explained that Piper is not an educated martial art but more something to disrupt martial arts. The focus is laid on the usability of the moves not for aesthetics and go along with irritating maneuvers and cunning approach of a suggested victim. Lloyd’s acting is scary and about everybody in the room failed to stop him from an approach far in the close range, where a quick kill is nearly inevitable. In my opinion the presentation of these criminal tactics could we be life savers for people traveling dangerous areas or any form of law enforcing personnel.
In the following lessons both empty hand and knife basics Lloyd managed to proof the Piper works against non-cooperative partner quite well. We did not give the man an easy time but in the end we all were defeated. The way this man can switch from high, mid and low attacks with a precise timing was a great experience.
Lloyd explained that he wants to create an unpredictable chaos that breaks the structure of an opponent be attacking his body, his line and angles and his mind in equal measures. These chaotic moves are often generated by a special way of stepping which Lloyd calls a slip.
Searching a balancing point Bez hand contact to the opponents chest, he suddenly seems to stumble to get in behind us. This worked several times, even though we knew, what was happening.
At the end of the seminar Lloyd showed tactics to use which multiple opponents and escape ways when stuck in corners of against a wall. In my times I have seem many martial arts or self defense seminar but this Piper seminar was a true eye opener that I personally would recommend for anybody with interest in authentic street fighting – even if it was just for the knowledge of the tactics."
This review was done by Holger Jongen